Find National Service Center content below for each segment of the suggested roundtable formats. This content works for in person, virtual, or hybrid formats. Timely new content is always in development. Check back frequently to see what new relevant content has been added. Roundtable topics are updated frequently and some topics are relevant to when they are released, however we encourage you to use the topics as a library of content that best fits your roundtable needs.
Have ideas for roundtable topics you would like to see covered? Send us a message below!
Hot Topics
- Supplemental Training **NEW**
- Building the Unit Leader Team
- Leader Succession Planning
- Fall Festival Events and Unit Recruitment
- Unit Annual Planning
- Growing Scouting
- Growing Cub Scouting
- Preparing for the Renewal Process
- Growing Scouting Resources
- Troop Visits for Arrow of Light Scouts
- Welcoming and Engaging Families
- Summertime Fun!
- Creating Social Media Presence for Your Unit
- Cub Scout to Scouts BSA Cross Over
- Cub Scout Program Updates
- Reverent
- Service and Gratitude
- Recharter
- Youth Protection
- Recruitment, Retention, and Membership
- Membership Moments
- Outdoor Ethics
- Flag Etiquette
- #TroopTalkLive and #CubChatLive
- Activity Planning and Risk Management
- Safety Moments
- Friendly, Courteous, Kind
- Scouting Story
- Political Rally Participation
- Sharing Scouting
- Year Round Planning for Units
- The Annual Medical Health Record
- Philmont Training Center
- Incident Reporting
- Responding to Bullying
- Summer of Scouting
- Service, Safety, and Scouting
- Supporting Units
- Accessing Information and DEI Merit Badge Status
- Online Registration Tools and Resources (Video | PDF)
- Safety While Gaming
- Scoutbook Help and Support
Safety Moments
Safety Moments are updated frequently, however we encourage you to use the topics as a library of content that best fits your roundtable needs. For Additional Safety Moments visit
For ideas on how to use a Safety Moment view this video: Using a Safety Moment (2:25)
- Safety Moment Gaga Ball **NEW**
- Safety Moment Anxiety **NEW**
- Scouting Safely
- Winter Activities
- Food Allergies
- Prohibited Activities
- Charcoal Safety
- Animal and Insect Hazards
- Homesickness
- Age Appropriate Activities Matrix
- First Aid Kits
- Depression
- SAFE Checklist
- When to Cancel an Event Due to Weather
- When to File an Incident Report
- Campfire Safety
- Weather-Related Safety
- Incident Reporting
- Propane Stoves
- Sun
- Aquatics
- Guide to Safe Scouting
- Hypothermia
- Communicable Disease Prevention
- Is It Scouting?
- Winter Sports
- Digital Safety & Online Scouting Activities
- Code of Conduct
Membership Moments
Membership is the responsibility of all Scouters, leaders, units, districts and councils. Membership moments are one to two minute ideas to share with your districts about a membership recruiting or retention idea. Ideally, membership moments will be delivered by the district membership chair at each roundtable.
- Winter "Normal Friend Activities" **NEW**
- Five Steps for an Open House **NEW**
- Talking to Friends About Scouting **NEW**
- Yard Sign Advertisements **NEW**
- Community Visibility
- Membership Booths
- Parent Engagement Helps Boost Membership Retention
- Pack Annual Planning
- Year-Round Recruitment
- Talking to Friends About Scouting
- Den Chiefs and Why You Need Them
- Dynamic Recruitment
- Fall Recruitment
- Following up Prospective Leads on BeAScout
- Pinewood Derby as a Recruitment Activity
- Memorial Day Activities
- Fretwell Award for Outstanding Educators
- Elbert K. Fretwell Outstanding Educator Award Implementation Guidebook
- Private vs Public Facebook Pages
- Press Coverage
- New Member Coordinators
- Invite your Teachers
- BSA Brand Center
- Geofencing
- Membership Plan
- Membership Recruitment Resources
- Peer-to-Peer
- Recruitment Events
- Summer Recruitment Activities
Cub Scout Breakouts (Training & Discussion)
Roundtable topics are updated frequently, however we encourage you to use the topics as a library of content that best fits your roundtable needs.
- Cub Scout Roundtable Video Guide **NEW**
- Race Time Adventures (8:43) (Discussion Questions)
- AOL to Scouts, BSA (8:39) (Discussion Questions)
- Cub Scout Program Updates and the Impact on Scouts, BSA (13:59)
- Camping (8:51) (Discussion Questions)
- Delegation (7:00) (Discussion Questions)
- Family Dens (5:22) (Discussion Questions)
- Service Projects (6:44) (Discussion Questions)
- Journey to Excellence (9:56) (Discussion Quetions)
- S.A.F.E. (7:53) (Discussion Questions)
- Internet ReCharter 2.0 (12:32) (Discussion Questions)
- Recruitment Events (7:27) (Discussion Questions)
- Welcoming New Families (9:40) (Discussion Questions)
- Working with Small Dens and Packs (9:01) (Discussion Questions)
- Recruiting – Adventure On! (5:28) (Discussion Questions)
- Den Chiefs and Denners (5:49) (Discussion Questions)
- Parent to Leader (8:30) (Discussion Questions)
- Physically Strong, Ready to Have Fun (6:24) (Discussion Questions)
- Webelos to Scout, BSA Transition (6:07) (Discussion Questions)
- Secret Sauce of Cub Scouting (7:07) (Discussion Questions)
- What Makes a Den (9:03) (Discussion Questions)
- Advancement Policies (6:20) (Discussion Questions)
- Leader’s Resources (8:45) (Discussion Questions)
- Everyone Volunteers (8:43) (Discussion Questions)
- Den Leaders (7:36) (Discussion Questions)
- Building a Relationship with Your Local Schools (8:48) (Discussion Questions)
- Cub Scout Technology for Leaders (8:48) (Discussion Questions)
- Summertime Activities (7:30) (Discussion Questions)
- Annual Planning Conference (8:41) (Discussion Questions)
- Advancements (12:31) (Discussion Questions)
- Blue and Gold – Blue and Gold is not what you think it is (8:42) (Discussion Questions)
- Pinewood Derby Hacks (9:04)
- Getting Parents Involved (9:41)
Scouts, BSA Breakouts (Training & Discussion)
Roundtable topics are updated frequently, however we encourage you to use the topics as a library of content that best fits your roundtable needs.
- Introduction to Leadership Skills (3:17) (Discussion Questions) **NEW**
- Scouting on the Water (7:36) (Discussion Questions)
- Planning a High Adventure Trip (4:58) (Discussion Questions)
- Your Troop Committee (5:03) (Discussion Questions)
- Arrow of Light to Scouts BSA (7:11) (Discussion Questions)
- Cub Scout Program Updates and the Impact on Scouts, BSA (13:59)
- Fundraising (7:41) (Discussion Questions)
- Conflict Resolution (5:46) (Discussion Questions)
- Joining Conferences (4:33) (Discussion Questions)
- Campout Planning (8:48) (Discussion Questions)
- Hammock Camping (6:00) (Discussion Questions)
- Forming Patrols (3:34) (Discussion Questions)
- Pack to Troop Transition (5:16) (Discussion Questions)
- Volunteer Roles (4:08) (Discussion Questions)
- Special Needs and Disabilities (5:35) (Discussion Questions)
- Uniforming (4:123) (Discussion Questions)
- Internet ReCharter 2.0 (12:32) (Discussion Questions)
- Engaging Older Youth (5:19) (Discussion Questions)
- Recruiting – Adventure On! (5:28) (Discussion Questions)
- Adventure Ready Scouter (5:18) (Discussion Questions)
- SAFE Supervision (5:29) (Discussion Questions)
- Jamboree Service Team (3:28)
- Engaging Troop Meetings (6:57) (Discussion Questions)
- Boards of Review (6:04) (Discussion Questions)
- Supporting Women in Scouting (4:55) (Discussion Questions)
- New Recruitment Methods (5:40) (Discussion Questions)
- Scouting Information: Where to go? (7:38) (Discussion Questions)
- Citizenship (7:42) (Discussion Questions)
- Den Chiefs (3:59) (Discussion Questions)
- Scout Led Program (4:27) (Discussion Questions)
- Code of Conduct (3:47) (Discussion Questions)
- Merit Badge Steps (4:35) (Discussion Questions)
- Impact of the Patrol Method (5:58) (Discussion Questions)
- Engaging Your Chartering Organization (6:07) (Discussion Questions)
- The Scouting Journey (5:29) (Discussion Questions)
- The Guide to Safe Scouting (3:02) (Discussion Questions)
- The Importance of Advancement (4:35) (Discussion Questions)
- Preparing for Your New Cub Scouts (3:15)
- Developing High Performance Youth Leaders (4:27)
- Leader Recruitment and Succession Planning (3:06)
Be sure to include your email address in the body of the message if you would like a response.