The Boy Scouts of America offers on online application process for youth and adults that can be completed from start to finish without a single piece of paper changing hands. This allows prospective members and leaders to register and pay in a way that’s convenient for them, and it creates a more efficient and user-friendly registration experience for units, districts, and councils.
Use these resources to help you manage online registration for your unit or council.
Unit Guidebook
In addition to the video tutorials found here, the comprehensive Online Registration Unit Guidebook provides directions on how to set up and use the online registration system.
Volunteer Roles
Access to information, the ability to take action within the system, and the receipt of notifications is granted based upon your registered volunteer role and your associated email address. Learn more about the volunteer roles that have permissions in the online registration system and the actions each can take:
System configurations allow you to personalize the experience for those applying to your unit and to provide up-to-date information about your unit.
Getting Started
Step 1: Review and update (or create) your my.Scouting profile and security questions.
Learn more about Google Sign in or Apple ID to log in to my.scouting.

Step 2: Set Up Your BeAScout Unit Pin. This action needs to be taken by the Committee Chair, the Chartered Organization Representative, or the unit leader. The BeAScout unit pin allows prospective members to find you online and apply to your unit.
Step 3: Configuring Online Registration. This action needs to be taken by the Committee Chair or the Chartered Organization Representative. These configurations allow you to customize the experience with setting such as an automated Welcome email with a personalized message from your unit.

Step 4: Using Position Manager to update registered adult positions. Position Manager allows the Chartered Organization Representative (COR) or the COR delegate to electronically change the registered positions for adult leaders within the same unit. Position Manager Job Aid

Step 5: Assigning Functional Roles in Position Manager. Functional roles that can take action in Online Registration include the COR Delegate, the Key 3 Delegate, and the Registration Inquiry role. The COR Delegate can only be appointed by the Chartered Organization Representative. All other functional roles can be assigned by the Key 3 or their delegates.

Invitation Manager
Invitation Manger is your leads resource tool. This is where any inquiries from BeAScout will come in and await your response. You can also add leads manually during joining events or from names provided by unit members and send invitations to join that include a link to your unit’s application. There is also a URL and QR code specific to your unit that can be downloaded from this tool to use in your unit’s recruitment efforts.

Application Manager
Application Manager is the place where you review and take action on applications that are submitted by families. Most families expect a response within 24 hours of submitting an application.

Notifications and Reports
When you have actions to take in either Invitation Manager or Application Manager you will receive email and in-tool notifications. You can also use reports to track actions that have been taken in the system and who had joined through the system.

Council and District Roles
Council and district level volunteers can submit their applications for paid, unpaid, or multiple positions through the online registration system and be accepted electronically by the council. At the council level, you will be able to view all the applications and leads for the council, district, and units. At the district level, you will be able to view all applications and leads for your district and those units in your district.
It is important that staff and volunteer positions are correctly assigned for each council, district, and unit so that online registration workflows can occur seamlessly and notifications can be sent to the correct person.
Learn more about the volunteer roles that have permissions at the council and district level and the actions each can take:
Getting Started
Step 1: Review and update (or create) your my.Scouting profile.

Step 2: Review the council configurations for BeAScout. This training covers the basic settings Councils can set for pins in BeAScout. The training also covers how to access and download the Unit Pin Report which show which units have active and inactive pins.

Step 3: Reviewing and Changing Unit BeAScout Pin Settings. This training shows you how to access and change unit BeAScout pin settings as well as providing a brief overview of what each setting allows a unit to do.

The system for Invitation Manager and Application Manager works the same for council, district, or unit applicants. Please review the unit leader training for how to use the Invitation Manager, Application Manager, Notifications and Reports, and adding volunteers to the Registration Inquiry Role.
What's New
Online Registration Live Demo for Councils
This webinar was recorded on 7/28/2020. It highlights updates and changes to council features in online registration tools.

Invitation Manager
Processing Reassigned Leads
This training covers how to process leads in Invitation Manger that are reassigned to the district or council by the unit.

Application Manager
Processing Reassigned Unit Applications
This training covers how to process unit applications that have been reassigned to the district or council. These are applications that have already been paid for by a family, so quick action to reassign back to the originating unit or to find another Scouting unit is important.

Acknowledging “Yes” Answers to Screening Questions
This training covers how the Scout Executive or a person with the Registration Support functional role for the council can acknowledge unit acceptance of an adult volunteer who answered “Yes” to one or more of the screening questions on the adult application. This must be done before the adult application is finalized and released for a Criminal Background Check.