Welcome to the fun and exciting Yo-Yo Preview Adventure sponsored by Duncan Toys. This elective adventure gives Webelos the opportunity to learn the concepts that make a yo-yo work and the basic physics of a pendulum. Duncan has provide great instructional videos to help you present this adventure to your den. It will give Scouts the skills needed to get started with basic yo-yo tricks.
Yo-Yo Den Meeting Resources

Den meeting resrouces for this Adventure can be found here: https://stg.scouting.org/cub-scout-adventures/yo-yo/
Resources from Duncan
Duncan offers great tutorials and instructional videos to help you deliver this adventure and get Scouts started with basic yo-yoing at yo-yo.com/cubscouts.
How to String a Yo-Yo
Pendulum Activity
Gravity Pull, Sleeper, and Breakaway
Duncan has a special challenge for Scouts. Do you have what it takes to become a Yo-Yo Ninja? Check out yo-yo.com/scouts.

Get equipped with the best gear from Duncan Yo-Yo. From Program Starter Kits to customized yo-yos, perfect for recruitment events specific to your council or Cub Scout Pack.